Uses of Class

Packages that use KernelException

Uses of KernelException in com.gridsystems.innergrid.api

Subclasses of KernelException in com.gridsystems.innergrid.api
 class CKernelException
          KernelException that takes care of some codes that can only appear on the client side.

Methods in com.gridsystems.innergrid.api that return KernelException
protected  KernelException AbstractImplBase.processException(java.lang.Exception e)
          Processes incoming exceptions and converts them to the correct KernelException instance.

Methods in com.gridsystems.innergrid.api with parameters of type KernelException
 void WrapperConnection.manageException(KernelException ke, int retry)
          Manages exceptions (Internal use only).
 void DirectConnection.manageException(KernelException ke, int retry)
          Manages exceptions (Internal use only).
 void Connection.manageException(KernelException ke, int retry)
          Manages exceptions (Internal use only).
abstract  void AbstractConnection.manageException(KernelException ke, int retry)
          Manage Exceptions.

Methods in com.gridsystems.innergrid.api that throw KernelException
protected  void AbstractImplBase.axisCheckAttachments(java.lang.Object[] params)
          Iterates over an array of attachment parameters and checks that, if they are associated to a File instance, the file really exists.
protected  org.apache.axis.client.Stub AbstractImplBase.axisGetStub()
          Gets the stub instance to use in remote calls.
 void WrapperConnection.checkConnection()
          Checks that the connection is directed to an open port with the proper protocol.
 void Connection.checkConnection()
          Checks that the connection is directed to an open port with the proper protocol.
 void AbstractConnection.checkConnection()
          Checks that the connection is directed to an open port with the proper protocol.
 java.lang.String DirectConnection.getBaseUrl()
          Gets the base URL for all API URLs (Internal use only).
abstract  java.lang.String AbstractConnection.getBaseUrl()
          Gets the base URL for all API URLs. SSLConnectionInfo.getSSLSocketFactory()
          Gets an instance of a socket factory for SSL adapted to the specific connection type. AcceptCertificateOfKeyStore.getSSLSocketFactory()
          Get SSL Socket Factory For use with KeyStore file. AcceptCertificate.getSSLSocketFactory()
          Return a SSLSocktedFactory to accept a specific Certificate. AcceptAllCertificates.getSSLSocketFactory()
          Gets an instance of a socket factory for SSL adapted to the specific connection type. WrapperConnection.getUrl(java.lang.String apiName)
          Gets a target URL to the SOAP service for the specified API (Internal use only). Connection.getUrl(java.lang.String apiName)
          Gets a target URL to the SOAP service for the specified API (Internal use only). AbstractConnection.getUrl(java.lang.String apiName)
          Gets a target URL to the SOAP service for the specified API (Internal use only).
 void WrapperConnection.manageException(KernelException ke, int retry)
          Manages exceptions (Internal use only).
 void DirectConnection.manageException(KernelException ke, int retry)
          Manages exceptions (Internal use only).
 void Connection.manageException(KernelException ke, int retry)
          Manages exceptions (Internal use only).
abstract  void AbstractConnection.manageException(KernelException ke, int retry)
          Manage Exceptions.
<T extends java.rmi.Remote>
ApiFactory.newApi(java.lang.Class<T> iface, Connection con)
          Gets an instance of an API for the specified remote interface and connection.

Constructors in com.gridsystems.innergrid.api that throw KernelException
AbstractImplBase(Connection c, java.lang.String apiName)
          Creates a new instance associated to the specified connection, and with the given name.
WrapperConnection(Connection con, Credentials cred)
          Creates a new wrapper that will use alternative credentials.
WrapperConnection(Connection con, java.lang.String h, int p, boolean secure)
          Creates a wrapper around the specified connection, and changes the URL.

Uses of KernelException in com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel

Methods in com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel that return KernelException
static KernelException KernelException.fromRemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException e)
          Parses a RemoteException instance, and if it contains a KernelException, returns a properly initialized one.
 KernelException Kernelizable.toKernelException()
          Converts this instance into a KernelException.
 KernelException KernelException.toKernelException()
          Converts this instance into a KernelException.
static KernelException KernelUtils.translate(java.lang.Exception e)
          Translates an arbitrary exception into a KernelException one.

Methods in com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel that throw KernelException
static void KernelUtils.process(java.lang.Exception e)
          Processes an exception, re-throwing it as a KernelException instance.

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