Package com.gridsystems.innergrid.api

Interface Summary
Connection Classes implementing this interface hold all the necessary data to establish an authenticated connection to a Server.
Credentials Manages the data credentials from client requests.
SSLConnectionInfo Base interface to provide information about SSL connection.

Class Summary
AbstractConnection Connects to a single server.
AbstractImplBase Base implementation for SOAP connectors.
AcceptAllCertificates SSLConnectionInfo implementation to accept any certificate sent by the Server.
AcceptCertificate SSLConnectionInfo implementation to accept only a specific certificate.
AcceptCertificateOfKeyStore SSLConnectionInfo implementation to accept any certificate from a given keystore file.
AcceptCertificateOfSystemKeyStore SSLConnectionInfo implementation to accept any certificate from the system keystore file, stored in $JAVAHOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts.
ApiFactory Helper class able to create API instances, through newApi.
AxisClientThread Thread that knows how to interrupt AXIS client calls.
ClientApiFactory ApiClientFactory type.
ClientApiFactory.ApiEntry Client API registry entry.
ClientApiProxy Dynamic proxy InvocationHandler class.
CloneUtils Cloning utilities.
DirectConnection Connects to a single server.
InnergridJSSESocketFactory SSL Socket factory to be used by Innergrid APIs.
InterruptibleHttpSender HTTPSender modified to allow interruption during I/O read.
IOUtils Utility class for input-output operations.
NoLingerSocketFactory Socket factory that disables the SO_LINGER option of the created socket.
PWCallback Callback handler implementation.
StringDataSource Data Source for strings.
UsernameTokenCredentials Implementation of the credentials for UsernameToken authentication.
WrapperConnection Connection implementation that wraps another connection, optionally changing one of its fields.
WSOutboundHandler This handler does not require a user alias be specified in the server deployment file as it is already available from the crypto object.
X509CertificateCredentials Implementation of the credentials for X509Certificate authentication.

Exception Summary
CKernelException KernelException that takes care of some codes that can only appear on the client side.

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