Interface Kernelizable

All Known Implementing Classes:
CKernelException, KernelException

public interface Kernelizable

Defines classes that can be converted into a KernelException.

An example of use of this interface is for the implementation of a custom SecurityManager that could cancel API operations based on KernelContext information.

As SecurityManager methods must throw only SecurityExceptions, direct KernelException subclassing is not possible in this scenario. This interface allows such a SecurityManager to throw SecurityException subclasses implementing this interface, and the Kernel engine to automatically convert them into the correct type for SOAP serialization.

Rodrigo Ruiz

Method Summary
 KernelException toKernelException()
          Converts this instance into a KernelException.

Method Detail


KernelException toKernelException()
Converts this instance into a KernelException.

a KernelException instance equivalent to this

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