Uses of Class

Uses of EvalValue in com.gridsystems.beanfilter

Subclasses of EvalValue in com.gridsystems.beanfilter
 class AndNode
          AND operation node.
 class ArrayValue
          Collection operations node (contains, in).
 class BooleanNode
          Node that evaluates its internal node as if it is a boolean value.
 class BooleanValue
          A boolean value (true or false).
 class CollectionNode
          Collection operations node (contains, in).
 class CollectionValue
          List / Set Value.
 class CompareNode
          Comparison operation.
 class EvalNode
          Evaluation tree node.
 class FieldValue
          Object field value.
 class NotNode
          Evaluates a node and negates it.
 class NullValue
          Value that represents a null value.
 class NumValue
          Numeric value.
 class OrNode
          OR logic operation.
 class ParenthesisValue
          Parenthesis Value.
 class SelectWhereValue
          EvalValue to process select-where command.
 class SizeOfValue
          Evaluates sizeOf.
 class StringValue
          String value.
 class ThisValue
          represents the actual value value.
 class VariableValue
          Name of the variable or the final field in a path.

Methods in com.gridsystems.beanfilter that return EvalValue
 EvalValue CompareNode.getLeftValue()
          Gets the left value.
 EvalValue CompareNode.getRightValue()
          Gets the right value.

Methods in com.gridsystems.beanfilter with parameters of type EvalValue
 void CollectionValue.add(EvalValue value, java.lang.Class<?> parentClass)
          Adds an item to this collection.
static boolean CompareNode.evaluateOperation(EvalValue lval, EvalValue rval, java.lang.Object lobj, int op, java.lang.Object robj)

Constructors in com.gridsystems.beanfilter with parameters of type EvalValue
AndNode(Token token, EvalValue lnode, EvalValue rnode)
          Creates a new instance.
ArrayValue(Token token, EvalValue value, Token arrayIndexType, java.lang.Class<?> parentClass)
          Creates a new instance.
BooleanNode(EvalValue value)
          Creates a new instance.
CollectionNode(EvalValue lval, int op, EvalValue rval)
          Creates a new instance.
CompareNode(EvalValue lval, int op, EvalValue rval, java.lang.Class<?> parentClass)
          Creates a new instance.
FieldValue(Token token, EvalValue base, EvalValue field)
          Creates a new instance.
NotNode(EvalValue node)
          Creates a new instance.
OrNode(Token token, EvalValue lnode, EvalValue rnode)
          Creates a new instance.
ParenthesisValue(Token token, EvalValue value)
          Creates a new instance.
SelectWhereValue(Token selectToken, EvalValue select, Token whereToken, EvalNode where, java.lang.Class<?> parentClass)
          Creates a new instance.
SizeOfValue(Token token, EvalValue value)
          Creates a new instance.

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