Package com.gridsystems.beanfilter

Interface Summary

Class Summary
AllItemsHashSet Set to indicate that operations with this set must pass over all items.
AndNode AND operation node.
AnyItemsHashSet Set to indicate that operations with this set must pass over any items.
ArrayValue Collection operations node (contains, in).
BeanDescriptor Bean Fields Description for evaluation.
BooleanNode Node that evaluates its internal node as if it is a boolean value.
BooleanValue A boolean value (true or false).
CollectionNode Collection operations node (contains, in).
CollectionValue List / Set Value.
CompareNode Comparison operation.
EvalNode Evaluation tree node.
EvalValue Type description.
FieldValue Object field value.
Filter Agent filter.
NotNode Evaluates a node and negates it.
NullValue Value that represents a null value.
NumValue Numeric value.
OrNode OR logic operation.
ParenthesisValue Parenthesis Value.
Parser FilterParser facade.
SelectWhereValue EvalValue to process select-where command.
SimpleCharStream An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SizeOfValue Evaluates sizeOf.
StringValue String value.
ThisValue represents the actual value value.
Token Describes the input token stream.
VariableValue Name of the variable or the final field in a path.

Enum Summary
ArrayValue.ArrayType Forms to access to this array.

Exception Summary
EvalException KernelException implementation for errors in BeanFilter evaluation.
ParseException This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.

Error Summary

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