Uses of Interface

Packages that use Connection

Uses of Connection in com.gridsystems.innergrid.api

Classes in com.gridsystems.innergrid.api that implement Connection
 class AbstractConnection
          Connects to a single server.
 class DirectConnection
          Connects to a single server.
 class WrapperConnection
          Connection implementation that wraps another connection, optionally changing one of its fields.

Fields in com.gridsystems.innergrid.api declared as Connection
protected  Connection AbstractImplBase.conn
          The connection to use.

Methods in com.gridsystems.innergrid.api that return Connection
 Connection ClientApiProxy.getConnection()
          Gets the connection.

Methods in com.gridsystems.innergrid.api with parameters of type Connection
 java.rmi.Remote ClientApiFactory.getPort(ClientApiFactory.ApiEntry entry, Connection con)
          Creates a stub instance for the given API.
<T extends java.rmi.Remote>
ClientApiFactory.newApi(java.lang.Class<T> iface, Connection con)
          Creates a new API stub instance.
<T extends java.rmi.Remote>
ApiFactory.newApi(java.lang.Class<T> iface, Connection con)
          Gets an instance of an API for the specified remote interface and connection.
<T extends java.rmi.Remote>
ClientApiFactory.newApi(java.lang.Class<T> iface, javax.xml.namespace.QName serviceName, Connection con)
          Creates a new API stub instance.
protected  java.rmi.Remote ClientApiFactory.newInstance(ClientApiFactory.ApiEntry entry, Connection con)
          Creates a new instance using a dynamic proxy.

Constructors in com.gridsystems.innergrid.api with parameters of type Connection
AbstractImplBase(Connection c, java.lang.String apiName)
          Creates a new instance associated to the specified connection, and with the given name.
WrapperConnection(Connection con, Credentials cred)
          Creates a new wrapper that will use alternative credentials.
WrapperConnection(Connection con, java.lang.String h, int p, boolean secure)
          Creates a wrapper around the specified connection, and changes the URL.

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