addPagedRequest(E) - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequestManager
Adds a PagedRequest to the collection of the manager.
ApiUtils - Class in com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils
Class that contains some functionality used inside the api methods.
ArrayUtil - Class in com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils
Array related commonly used methods.


checkedArray(Object[], Class) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ArrayUtil
Gets a "checked" version of the specified array.
checkedArray(Collection, Class) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ArrayUtil
Copies the contents of the specified collection to an array of the type specified by c.
checkedArray(boolean[]) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ArrayUtil
Returns a zero-length array if data is null, or data itself otherwise.
checkedArray(int[]) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ArrayUtil
Returns a zero-length array if data is null, or data itself otherwise.
checkedArray(long[]) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ArrayUtil
Returns a zero-length array if data is null, or data itself otherwise.
checkedArray(float[]) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ArrayUtil
Returns a zero-length array if data is null, or data itself otherwise.
checkedArray(String[]) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ArrayUtil
Returns a zero-length array if data is null, or data itself otherwise.
checkEmptyName(String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ApiUtils
Checks if the specified name is empty or null, throwing an exception if it is.
checkEmptyName(String, String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ApiUtils
Checks if the specified name is empty or null, throwing an exception if it is.
checkEmptyParam(String, String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ApiUtils
Checks if the specified String parameter is empty or null, throwing an exception if it is.
checkName(String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ApiUtils
Checks that the name is valid.
checkName(String, String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ApiUtils
Checks that the name is valid.
checkNullParam(Object, String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ApiUtils
Throws an exception if the specified parameter value is null.
clear() - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequest
Clears the Paged request.
com.gridsystems.exceptions - package com.gridsystems.exceptions
com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils - package com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils
com.gridsystems.storage - package com.gridsystems.storage


DAO<T> - Interface in com.gridsystems.storage
Data Access Object.
DAOManager - Class in com.gridsystems.storage
Manages object load and store through a DAO instance.
delete(DAO<T>, T) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.storage.DAOManager
Deletes all files associated to the specified object.
delete(FailSafe) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.storage.FailSafeManager
Deletes all files (including backups) for the specified FailSafe instance.


ExpiredLicenseException - Exception in com.gridsystems.exceptions
Exception thrown for expired license errors.
ExpiredLicenseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.ExpiredLicenseException
Creates a new instance.


FailSafe - Interface in com.gridsystems.storage
This interface gives file backup services.
FailSafeManager - Class in com.gridsystems.storage
This class manages the safe load and stores.
finalize() - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequestManager


getAllPagedRequests() - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequestManager
Gets all paged requests that are instances of the specified class.
getFileNameList() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.storage.FailSafe
It returns all the files that will be safe saved.
getFileNames(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.gridsystems.storage.DAO
Gets the list of file names from where to load an object from the specified Map.
getFileNames(T) - Method in interface com.gridsystems.storage.DAO
Gets the list of file names where an object must be stored, from the object itself.
getId() - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequest
Gets the identifier of the paged request.
getInvalidCharacter() - Method in exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.InvalidCharacterException
Gets the invalid Character.
getLastAccessTime() - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequest
Gets the time of the last access to this request data.
getLimit() - Method in exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.StringTooLongException
Gets the maximum allowed length of the String.
getName() - Method in exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.IllegalValueException
Gets the name of the value that is invalid.
getPagedRequest(long) - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequestManager
Obtains a PagedRequest from the managed pool.
getPagedRequestsSize() - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequestManager
Gets the size of the collection of managed paged requests.
getResults(int, int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequest
Calls getResultsTimeout() with an appropriate timeout value depending on the 'block' flag specified at construction time.
getResultsCount() - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequest
Gets the number of results of the paged request.
getResultsTimeout(int, int, long) - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequest
Asks for 'count' results, starting at offset 'from'.
getTime() - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequest
Gets the hour of the paged request.
getUser() - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequest
Gets the user of the paged request.


hygienize(String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ApiUtils
It cleans 'dirty' strings, substituting dangerous characters.


IllegalValueException - Exception in com.gridsystems.exceptions
Invalid value exception.
IllegalValueException(String, String[]) - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.IllegalValueException
IllegalValueException(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.IllegalValueException
InvalidCharacterException - Exception in com.gridsystems.exceptions
Indicates a string that contains an invalid character.
InvalidCharacterException(String, char) - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.InvalidCharacterException
InvalidLicenseException - Exception in com.gridsystems.exceptions
Exception thrown for invalid license errors.
InvalidLicenseException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.InvalidLicenseException
Creates a new instance.


load(String[]) - Method in interface com.gridsystems.storage.DAO
Loads an object from the speficied file list.
load(DAO<T>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.storage.DAOManager
Loads an object from the specified DAO, using data as initialization info.
load(String[]) - Method in interface com.gridsystems.storage.FailSafe
Loads information of the class contained in the files.
load(FailSafe) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.storage.FailSafeManager
Manages all load information of the class.
load(Class) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.storage.FailSafeManager
Manages all load information of the class.
load(Class, Map) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.storage.FailSafeManager
Manages all load information of the class.
load(Class, Object) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.storage.FailSafeManager
Manages all load information of the class.


MAX_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ApiUtils
Maximum allowed name size.


NullParameterException - Exception in com.gridsystems.exceptions
Null Parameter Exception.
NullParameterException(String) - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.NullParameterException


originalContext - Variable in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequest
Request user information.


PagedRequest<E> - Class in com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils
Base class for asynchronous paged requests.
PagedRequest(KernelContext, Class<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequest
Creates a new instance.
PagedRequestException - Exception in com.gridsystems.exceptions
PagedRequest related error base.
PagedRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.PagedRequestException
Creates an instance.
PagedRequestManager<E extends PagedRequest<?>> - Class in com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils
Centralized management for asynchronous requests being performed.
PagedRequestManager() - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequestManager
Private constructor.
PagedRequestNoDataException - Exception in com.gridsystems.exceptions
PagedRequestException special case.
PagedRequestNoDataException() - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.PagedRequestNoDataException
Default constructor.
PagedRequestNoDataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.PagedRequestNoDataException
Creates a new instance with a nested exception.
PagedRequestNotAllowedException - Exception in com.gridsystems.exceptions
PagedRequest special case.
PagedRequestNotAllowedException() - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.PagedRequestNotAllowedException
Default constructor.
PagedRequestNotAllowedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.PagedRequestNotAllowedException
Creates a new instance with a nested exception.
PagedRequestNotFoundException - Exception in com.gridsystems.exceptions
PagedRequest special case.
PagedRequestNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.PagedRequestNotFoundException
Default constructor.
PagedRequestNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.PagedRequestNotFoundException
Creates a new instance with a nested exception.
processException(Exception) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ApiUtils
Converts any exception into a KernelException.


recoverFromLoadError(Exception) - Method in interface com.gridsystems.storage.FailSafe
Error treatment of the load method.
recoverFromStoreError(Exception) - Method in interface com.gridsystems.storage.FailSafe
Error treatment of the store method.
removeAllPagedRequest() - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequestManager
Cancels and Removes all paged request from the collection of the manager.
removePagedRequest(long) - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequestManager
Removes a paged request from the collection of the manager, given its 'id'.
results - Variable in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequest
Results of the request.
run() - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequest
Subclasses must implement the request in this method.


SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ApiUtils
General separator character.
setThreadName(String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ApiUtils
Sets the current thread name, adding the specific suffix and a timestamp.
store(String[], T) - Method in interface com.gridsystems.storage.DAO
Stores an object in the specified file list.
store(DAO<T>, T) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.storage.DAOManager
Stores an object through the specified DAO.
store(String[]) - Method in interface com.gridsystems.storage.FailSafe
It stores the information of the class in that files.
store(FailSafe) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.storage.FailSafeManager
Manages the store information of the class.
StringTooLongException - Exception in com.gridsystems.exceptions
Indicates a string that is longer than a stablished limit.
StringTooLongException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.exceptions.StringTooLongException


theClass - Variable in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequest
Class of type E.
toString() - Method in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.PagedRequestManager
Gets a String representation of this object.


VALID_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.innergrid.kernel.genericutils.ApiUtils
List of valid Characters.


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