AbstractConsoleView - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
Base implementation for console views.
AbstractConsoleView(Configurator) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Creates a new instance with default with and the specified Configuration instance.
AbstractConsoleView(Configurator, int) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Creates a new instance.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
If the event source is a button that is "guarding" a component set, it synchronizes the "enabled" state of the component set with the "selected" state of the source button.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.ReflectedAction
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.SwingConfiguratorView
ChangeListeners will be notified when a change is performed on the view data, giving the GUI an opportunity to refresh its state.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Adds a change listener to the listener list of this panel.
addConfigurator(Configurator) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNode
Adds a configurator into its path.
addConnector() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorEditor
Adds a connector to the table.
addConnector(Connector) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Adds a connector to the list.
addConnector() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConsoleView
Creates a new connector and adds it to the list.
addError(String, String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.ErrorSupport
Adds an error message to the messages map.
addField(Field) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.GroupField
Adds another field to the list.
addField(JPanel, String, JComponent, int) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.SwingTools
Adds a row consisting in a label and a component in a panel.
addFlags(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Adds a collection of command-line flags to the current set.
addFlags(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigurator
Adds all flags in the specified collection to the flags set.
addKeyMapping(String, ConsoleViewAction) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Registers a string with a ConsoleViewAction instance.
addKeyMapping(ConsoleViewAction) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Registers action with its own key mapping.
addKeyMapping(GroupField) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Registers the keymappings of all actions in the specified group field.
addLine(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.MessageField
Adds a message line.
addNewProtocol(String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Add to list of available protocols a new protocol.
addNode(String, Configurator) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNode
Adds a configurator node in the specified path.
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNodeModel
ALLOWED_IP_TYPE - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Allowed type of the IPs.
apply() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Saves the view values into the model, and applies it.
apply() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.ConfiguratorModel
Performs changes in files external to the model data.
apply() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Performs changes in files external to the model data.
apply() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Performs changes in files external to the model data.
apply() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigurator
Saves the view values into the model, and applies it.
ApplyAction - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
Special ConsoleViewAction that performs an Apply on this configurator model and exits from the view.
ApplyAction(Configurator) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ApplyAction
Creates a new instance bound to the specified configurator.
args - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.app.PatternFormatter
The message format arguments.


BAD_CHAR_ERROR - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PasswordVerifier
Bad characters in password key.
BasePanel - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing
Panel Extension for Swing Configuration Views.
BasePanel(Configurator) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Creates a new instance.
BasePanel(LayoutManager, Configurator) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Creates a new instance with the specified layout.
BoolField - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
Specialized field for boolean values.
BoolField(ResourceBundle, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.BoolField
Creates a new instance with the specified bundle and pattern.
buildForm() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Creates the contents of the "view box".
buildNodes() - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigTree
Constructs the Configurator tree.
bundle - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Resource bundle to use for message I18N.
bundle - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.Field
The resource bundle to use by this field.


center(String, int) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConsoleTools
Centers s in a line of "width" characters by adding spaces to its left.
checkPattern(File) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.FileVerifier
Checks the restrictions in the file name/path.
cleanErrors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.FileVerifier
cleanErrors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.IpVerifier
cleanErrors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.NumberVerifier
cleanErrors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PasswordVerifier
cleanErrors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PatternVerifier
cleanErrors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.TextVerifier
Removes from the error support manager the list of errors of this verifier.
clear() - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConsoleTools
Clears the screen.
clearErrors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigPanel
clearErrors() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.ErrorListener
The listener should remove all stored data about errors.
clearErrors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
The listener should remove all stored data about errors.
clearFields() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.GroupField
Clears all fields in the list.
close(Object) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ReflectionTools
"Closes" the specified object with no exceptions.
closePorts(Connector[]) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.WindowsFirewallManager
Closes all ports defined in this model on the Windows firewall.
closeWindow() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigFrame
Closes the window.
com.gridsystems.config - package com.gridsystems.config
com.gridsystems.config.app - package com.gridsystems.config.app
com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm - package com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm
com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat - package com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat
com.gridsystems.config.tools - package com.gridsystems.config.tools
com.gridsystems.config.tools.console - package com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing - package com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNode
ConfigFrame - Class in com.gridsystems.config.app
Swing Mode Main Window.
ConfigFrame() - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigFrame
Default constructor.
ConfigNode - Class in com.gridsystems.config.app
Tree node implementation for use in Swing JTree models, and in console menu trees.
ConfigNode(String, Configurator) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNode
Creates a node with the specified label and configurator.
ConfigNodeCellRenderer - Class in com.gridsystems.config.app
Specialized version of TreeCellRenderer, able to render a ConfigNode.
ConfigNodeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNodeCellRenderer
ConfigNodeModel - Class in com.gridsystems.config.app
A tree model that uses ConfigNodes as its backend data structure.
ConfigNodeModel(ConfigNode) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNodeModel
Creates a model with the specified node as the tree root.
ConfigPanel - Class in com.gridsystems.config.app
Specialized JPanel that handles the active configurator and its swing view.
ConfigPanel() - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigPanel
Default constructor.
ConfigTree - Class in com.gridsystems.config.app
Specialized JTree subclass that handles the Configurator tree.
ConfigTree() - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigTree
Creates an already configurated instance.
Configurator - Class in com.gridsystems.config
Plugin Configurator base class.
Configurator(String, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Configurator(ResourceBundle, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
ConfiguratorModel - Interface in com.gridsystems.config
Model part of the MVC pattern for Configurators.
configurators - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.app.UI
The list of discovered configurators.
ConfiguratorView - Interface in com.gridsystems.config
View part of the MVC pattern for Configurators.
Connector - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat
Type description.
Connector(String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Creates a new instance.
ConnectorEditor - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat
Swing Component for Connection list edition.
ConnectorEditor() - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorEditor
Creates a new instance.
ConnectorField - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat
Type description.
ConnectorField(ResourceBundle, Connector, int, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorField
Creates a new instance.
ConnectorGroupField - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat
Type description.
ConnectorGroupField(ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorGroupField
Creates a new instance.
CONSOLE - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.app.UI
Specified the Console UI.
ConsoleConfiguratorView - Interface in com.gridsystems.config
Console edition specialized version of ConfiguratorView.
ConsoleTools - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
Helper functions for console interaction.
ConsoleViewAction - Interface in com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
Classes implementing this interface can be called from a console view to perform a single task.
ConstantField - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
Constant text field.
ConstantField(ResourceBundle, String, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConstantField
Creates a new instance.
containSecureConnector() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorEditor
Gets if any of the listed connectors uses SSL.
copy() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Type-safe version of clone().
copyModel(JVMConfigModel) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Copies the specified model data into this instance.
createBoolField(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Creates a BoolField that will share the same bundle as this instance.
createConstantField(String, String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Creates a password field that will share the same bundle as this instance.
createModel() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Creates a new model instance.
createModel() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigurator
Creates a new model instance.
createModel() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigurator
Creates a new model instance.
createPasswordField(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Creates a password field that will share the same bundle as this instance.
createSelectionField(String, String, String[]) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Creates a SelectionField that will share the same bundle as this instance.
createValueField(String, String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Creates a ValueField that will share the same bundle as this instance.


date - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.app.PatternFormatter
The date to format.
DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Path to the configuration file.
DEFAULT_DEBUG_MODE - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Default remote debug mode.
DEFAULT_DEBUG_PORT - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Default remote debug port.
DEFAULT_DEBUG_SUSPEND - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Default initial suspension flag in debug mode.
DEFAULT_HEAP_MAX - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Default max heap size.
DEFAULT_HEAP_MIN - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Default min heap size.
DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Default HTTP port.
DEFAULT_HTTPS_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Default HTTPS enabled flag.
DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Default HTTPS port.
DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_DIR - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Default keystore directory.
DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PASS - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Default keystore password.
DEFAULT_PROXY_HOST - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Default proxy host name or IP address.
DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Default proxy port.
DEFAULT_RESTART_CODE - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Default server restart exit code.
DEFAULT_RESTART_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Default server restart enabled flag.
DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_CODE - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Default server shutdown exit code.
DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_PORT - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Default shutdown port.
DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Default thread stack size.
DEFAULT_USE_PROXY - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Default proxy usage mode.
DIRECTORIES_ONLY - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.FileVerifier
Allows only directories.
DIRECTORIES_ONLY - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Allows selecting only files directories.
discard() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Cancels the current view changes, and reloads the model values into it.
discard() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PasswordField
Sets the previous value as the current one.
discard() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Sets the previous value as the current one.
DiscardAction - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
Special ConsoleViewAction that performs a Discard on this configurator model and exits from the view.
DiscardAction(Configurator) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.DiscardAction
Creates a new instance.
doApplyAll() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigFrame
Performs the operation of the "Apply All" menu item.
doDiscardAll() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigFrame
Performs the operation of "Discard All" menu item.


ErrorListener - Interface in com.gridsystems.config
Listens on errors occurrences.
ErrorSupport - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools
Type description.
ErrorSupport(Configurator) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.ErrorSupport
Creates a new instance.
execute() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.SwingUI
UI specific execution.
execute() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.UI
UI specific execution.
execute() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.ConsoleConfiguratorView
Performs the view execution.
execute(ConsoleConfiguratorView) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorField
Performs a task related to the specified view.
execute(ConsoleConfiguratorView) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorGroupField
Performs a task related to the specified view.
execute() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
execute(ConsoleConfiguratorView) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ApplyAction
Performs a task related to the specified view.
execute(ConsoleConfiguratorView) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.BoolField
Switches the boolean value to its negative.
execute(ConsoleConfiguratorView) - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConsoleViewAction
Performs a task related to the specified view.
execute(ConsoleConfiguratorView) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConstantField
Asks the user for the new value for this field.
execute(ConsoleConfiguratorView) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.DiscardAction
Performs a task related to the specified view.
execute(ConsoleConfiguratorView) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.SelectionField
Asks the user for the new value for this field.
execute(ConsoleConfiguratorView) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Asks the user for the new value for this field.


FALSE - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.BoolField
String representation of true value.
Field - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
Base abstract class for console edition fields.
Field(ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.Field
Creates a new instance that will use the specified resource bundle.
fields - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.GroupField
Collection of fields.
FILE_ALL - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.FileVerifier
Allows paths to existing and non-existing files.
FILE_EXIST - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.FileVerifier
Allows paths to existing files.
FILE_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.FileVerifier
Allows paths to non-existing files.
FileChooserField - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing
Manages a file value asking the user through a file system browser.
FileChooserField() - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
FileChooserField(String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
FileChooserField(int) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
FileChooserField(String, int) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.FileVerifier
Allows both files and directories.
FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Allows selecting both files and directories.
FILES_ONLY - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.FileVerifier
Allows only files.
FILES_ONLY - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Allows selecting only files.
FileVerifier - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools
Verifies that a String is a valid path to a file that exists.
FileVerifier(ErrorSupport, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.FileVerifier
Creates an instance.
FileVerifier(ErrorSupport, String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.FileVerifier
Creates an instance.
fill(StringBuffer, char, int) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConsoleTools
Adds count characters "c" to the end of sb.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PasswordField
Reacts to a Component gaining the focus.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Receives an event of focus gained.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PasswordField
Reacts to a Component losing the focus.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Receives an event of focus lost.
format(LogRecord) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.PatternFormatter
formatter - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.app.PatternFormatter
The formatter to use.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Factory method that creates a Connector instance by parsing the specified string.


getAcceptCount() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the acceptCount value.
getActionList() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorGroupField
Adds itself to the list returned by the superclass.
getActionList() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.GroupField
Gets the list of actions in this group.
getActions() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.GroupField
Gets the list of actions in this group.
getAddress() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the address value.
getAvailableProtocols() - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Return list of available protocols.
getBooleanValue() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.BoolField
Obtains boolean value of this Field.
getBoolProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigurator
Gets a system property value as a boolean.
getBufferSize() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the bufferSize value.
getBundle() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Gets the resource bundle associated to this configuration instance.
getBundle() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Sets the bundle used by this instance.
getButtonText() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Gets the text to display at the button.
getChild(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNode
Gets the ith child node.
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNodeModel
getChildCount() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNode
Gets the number of children nodes.
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNodeModel
getClientAuth() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the clientAuth value.
getComponent() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigPanel
Gets the current edition component.
getComponent() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.SwingConfiguratorView
Gets a Swing component for visual edition.
getComponent() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Gets a Swing component for visual edition.
getCompression() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the compression value.
getConfigPanel() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigFrame
Gets the config panel.
getConfigPanel() - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.SwingUI
Gets the configuration panel.
getConfigurator() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNode
Gets the configurator instance associated to this node.
getConfigurator() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.ConfiguratorView
Gets the configurator this view is associated to.
getConfigurator() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Gets the configurator this view is associated to.
getConfigurator() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Gets the configurator this view is associated to.
getConfigurators() - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.UI
Builds the list of Configutator implementations in the classpath through inspection of "configurator.txt" resources found via ClassLoader.
getConnectionLinger() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the connectionLinger value.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the connectionTimeout value.
getConnector() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorField
Gets the wrapped connector instance.
getConnector() - Method in exception com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.IncompatiblePortException
Gets this exception connector.
getConnector() - Method in exception com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.PortInUseException
Gets this exception connector.
getConnectors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorEditor
Gets the list of connectors.
getConnectors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorGroupField
Gets the list of connectors in this group.
getConnectors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the list of connectors.
getConsoleView() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Gets a view for Configurator.MODE_CONSOLE.
getConsoleView() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigurator
Gets a view for Configurator.MODE_CONSOLE.
getConsoleView() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigurator
Gets a view for Configurator.MODE_CONSOLE.
getContents(List<Object>) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConsoleView
Gets an array with the items conforming the contents of the "view box".
getContents() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorField
Gets the contents of this field.
getContents(List<Object>) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConsoleView
Gets an array with the items conforming the contents of the "view box".
getContents(List<Object>) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Gets an array with the items conforming the contents of the "view box".
getContents() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConstantField
Gets the contents of this field.
getContents() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.Field
Gets the contents of this field.
getContents() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.GroupField
Gets the contents of this field.
getContents() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.MessageField
Gets the contents of this field.
getContents() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.PasswordField
Gets the contents of this field.
getContents() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.SelectionField
Gets the contents of this field.
getContents() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Gets the contents of this field.
getContextDir() - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Gets the path to the kernel context directory.
getCustomizerString(String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets customizer string value from key.
getDebugEnabled() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Gets whether debug mode is enabled or not.
getDebugPort() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Gets the remote debug port.
getDebugSuspend() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Gets whether the server JVM will start suspended.
getFields() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.GroupField
Gets the list of fields in this group.
getFile() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Gets the selected file.
getFilter() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Gets the filter for the files to be displayed at the file system browser.
getGroupPanel(String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.SwingTools
Creates a group panel with the specified caption, and a GridBagLayout.
getGroupPanel(String, LayoutManager) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.SwingTools
Creates a group panel with the specified caption, and layout.
getHttpPort() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the HTTP port.
getHttpsPort() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the HTTPS port.
getIcon() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNode
Gets the icon for this configurator.
getIcon() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.SwingConfiguratorView
Gets an icon instance for displaying on the view panel topright side.
getIcon() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Gets an icon instance for displaying on the view panel topright side.
getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNodeModel
getInputVerifier() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PasswordField
Gets the input verifier that affects each of both password fields.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigurator
Singleton pattern implementation.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigurator
Gets a singleton instance of this class.
getIntProperty(String, int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigurator
Gets a system property value as an int.
getIp() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the IP address of the host.
getKeyMapping() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorField
Gets the keyMap to use for this instance.
getKeyMapping() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorGroupField
Gets the key mapping of this action.
getKeyMapping() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ApplyAction
Gets the key mapping of this action.
getKeyMapping() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConsoleViewAction
Gets the key mapping of this action.
getKeyMapping() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConstantField
Gets the key mapping of this action.
getKeyMapping() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.DiscardAction
Gets the key mapping of this action.
getKeyMapping() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.SelectionField
Gets the key mapping of this action.
getKeyMapping() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Gets the key mapping of this action.
getKeystoreDir() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the keystore directory.
getKeystorePassword() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the keystore password.
getKeystorePath() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the canonical path to the keystore directory.
getLabel() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNode
Gets this node label.
getMaidenPort() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the port to be used by the Server Maiden.
getMaxHeap() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Gets the JVM heap maximum size.
getMaxProcessors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the maxProcessors value.
getMessage() - Method in exception com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.IncompatiblePortException
getMessage() - Method in exception com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.PortInUseException
getMinHeap() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Gets the JVM heap minimum size.
getMinProcessors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the minProcessors value.
getMode() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Gets the mode of selection of files.
getModel() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Gets a reference to the model of this configurator.
getName() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Gets a name for this instance.
getName() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the name value.
getPath() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Gets a path for this instance.
getPort() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the port value.
getProductName() - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the name of the product to Install.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Gets a system property.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigurator
Gets a system property value.
getPropertyName() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Gets the property name of the component.
getProtocol() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
getProxyHost() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Gets the proxy host name / IP.
getProxyPort() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Gets the proxy port.
getRestartExitCode() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the restart exit code.
getRoot() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNodeModel
getScheme() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the name of the protocol to have returned by calls to request.getScheme().
getShutdownExitCode() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the shutdown exit code.
getShutdownPort() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the shutdown port.
getSmallIcon() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.SwingConfiguratorView
Gets an icon instance for displaying on the menu tree node.
getSmallIcon() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Gets an icon instance for displaying on the menu tree node.
getStackSize() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Gets the JVM thread-stack size.
getString(String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.UI
Gets the message corresponding to the specified key in the "base" bundle.
getString(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Gets a localized string.
getString(String, Object[]) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Gets a localized string, using the found string as a pattern to be used by a MessageFormat instance.
getString(String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorEditor
Gets a localized string.
getString(String, Object[]) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Gets a localized string, using the found string as a pattern to be used by a MessageFormat instance.
getString(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Gets a localized string, using the found string as a pattern to be used by a MessageFormat instance.
getString(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.Field
Gets an internationalized string by key name.
getString(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Gets a localized string.
getString(String, Object[]) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Gets a localized string, using the found string as a pattern to be used by a MessageFormat instance.
getStringValue() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.BoolField
Gets the field value as a string.
getStringValue() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConstantField
Gets the field value as a string.
getStringValue() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.SelectionField
Gets the field value as a string.
getStringValue() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Gets the field value as a string.
getSubtitle() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.ConfiguratorView
Gets the subtitle of this view.
getSubtitle() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConsoleView
Gets the subtitle of this view.
getSubtitle() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConsoleView
Gets the subtitle of this view.
getSubtitle() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Gets the subtitle of this view.
getSwingView() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Gets a view for Configurator.MODE_SWING.
getSwingView() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigurator
Gets a view for Configurator.MODE_SWING.
getSwingView() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigurator
Gets a view for Configurator.MODE_SWING.
getTitle() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.ConfiguratorView
Gets the title of this view.
getTitle() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConsoleView
Gets the title of this view.
getTitle() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConsoleView
Gets the title of this view.
getTitle() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Gets the title of this view.
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNodeCellRenderer
Renders the node, using the node icon if it is an instance of ConfigNode.
getType() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Gets the type of menu to show.
getUseProxy() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Gets whether proxy use is enabled or not.
getUsername() - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Gets the username.
getValue(String, String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Gets a field value.
getValue() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConstantField
Gets this field value.
getValue() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.SelectionField
Gets this field value.
getValue() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Gets this field value.
getValue() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PasswordField
Returns the password managed by the component.
getValue() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Returns the value stored by the component.
getValues(ConfiguratorModel) - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.ConfiguratorView
Copies the model values into this view fields.
getValues(ConfiguratorModel) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConsoleView
Copies the model values into this view fields.
getValues(ConfiguratorModel) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMSwingView
Transfers data from the internal data structure to the GUI fields.
getValues(ConfiguratorModel) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConsoleView
Copies the model values into this view fields.
getValues(ConfiguratorModel) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatSwingView
Copies the model values into this view fields.
getValues(ConfiguratorModel) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Copies the model values into this view fields.
getVerifier() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Gets the current verifier for this field.
getView() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Gets the view corresponding to the current view mode, or null if no suitable view is available.
getViewMode() - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Gets the current global view mode.
GroupField - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
A Field that acts as a container for other fields.
GroupField(ResourceBundle, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.GroupField
Creates a new instance with an empty field list.
GroupField(ResourceBundle, String, List<Field>) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.GroupField
Creates a new instance with the specified list of fields.


hasChanged() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Tells if the value of the component has changed.
hasErrors() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.ConfiguratorView
Gets if the view contains any error.
hasErrors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Gets if the view contains any error.
hasErrors() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Gets if the view contains any error.
hasView() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Gets if a view exists for the current mode.
hideExpansionMessage() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigPanel
Hides the message showed by showExpansionMessage.
HOST_IP - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Property key name for the IP Address field.
HTTP - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
HTTP protocol identifier.
HTTPS - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
HTTPS protocol identifier.


id - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.FileVerifier
Error identifier.
id - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.NumberVerifier
Error identifier.
id - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PatternVerifier
Identifier of the error detected by this verifier.
ID_EMPTY - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.NumberVerifier
Error detected by this verifier.
ID_ERROR - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.FileVerifier
Errors detected by this verifier.
ID_ERROR - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.IpVerifier
Errors detected by this verifier.
ID_ERROR - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PatternVerifier
Identifier for errors detected by this verifier.
ID_INVALID - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.NumberVerifier
Error detected by this verifier.
ID_OUTOFRANGE - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.NumberVerifier
Error detected by this verifier.
IncompatiblePortException - Exception in com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat
Exception caused by an incompatible connector.
IncompatiblePortException(Connector) - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.IncompatiblePortException
Creates a new instance.
indexOf(ConfigNode) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNode
Gets the index at which the specified node is located.
IP_4 - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.IpVerifier
IP version 4 address type.
IP_4_IP_6 - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.IpVerifier
IP versions 4 and 6 type.
IP_6 - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.IpVerifier
IP version 6 address type.
IpVerifier - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools
Verifies that the String has a valid IP format.
IpVerifier(ErrorSupport, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.IpVerifier
Creates an instance that matches IPs with both 4 and 6 numeric fields.
IpVerifier(ErrorSupport, String, int) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.IpVerifier
Creates an instance.
isClosing() - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Tells if the configurator is being closed.
isEnableLookups() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the enableLookups value.
isExpertMode() - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.UI
Gets if the configurator is running in "expert mode".
isFieldEditable() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Gets if the field can be modified by the user or not.
isHttpsEnabled() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the "HTTPS enabled" flag value.
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNodeModel
isLoopbackAddress(String, int) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.IpVerifier
Tells if an IP is a loopback address.
isModified() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.SwingConfiguratorView
Gets if a change has been performed on the view data, with respect to the model data.
isModified() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Gets if a change has been detected on the view.
isRestartEnabled() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Gets the "Restart enabled" flag value.
isTrimmed() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Gets if the value should be trimmed.
isUserCreated() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets the userCreated value.


JVMConfigModel - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm
Data Model for the JVM Configurator.
JVMConfigModel(String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Creates a new instance.
JVMConfigurator - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm
Java Virtual Machine Configurator implementation.
JVMConsoleView - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm
Console View for the JVM Configurator.
JVMConsoleView(JVMConfigurator) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConsoleView
Creates a new instance bound to the specified configurator.
JVMSwingView - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm
Swing View for the JVM Configurator.
JVMSwingView(Configurator) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMSwingView
Default constructor.


KeystoreUtils - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat
Utility methods for keystore creation.


LARGE_FIELD_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatSwingView
Large text fields width in characters.
linePattern - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConstantField
Pattern to use for field display.
linePattern - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.SelectionField
Pattern to use for field display.
linePattern - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Pattern to use for field display.
load() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.ConfiguratorModel
Loads the model from persistence layer.
load() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
load() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
loadFromFile(File) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Reads a list of Connector instance from a text file, and returns it into an ArrayList instance.
loadIcon(Class, String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.SwingTools
Loads an icon as a class resource.


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.UI
Performs the execution of the appropriate UI implementation, according to the passed command-line arguments.
MAX_PORT_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PortVerifier
Maximum allowed port number.
MemSizeVerifier - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm
Verifies the correctness of a memory size value.
MemSizeVerifier(ErrorSupport, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.MemSizeVerifier
Creates an instance of this verifier.
MemSizeVerifier(ErrorSupport, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.MemSizeVerifier
Creates an instance of this verifier.
merge(Connector, Connector) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Merges two instances in a new one.
MessageField - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
A message display field.
MessageField() - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.MessageField
Creates a new instance.
MODE_CONSOLE - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
This mode forces ConsoleUI to be used.
MODE_SILENT - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
This mode forces NullUI to be used.
MODE_SWING - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
This mode forces SwingUI to be used.


NONE - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.app.UI
Specifies the Null UI.
NORMAL_FIELD_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatSwingView
Normal text fields width in characters.
NumberVerifier - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools
Ensures a value is a valid integer between two limits.
NumberVerifier(ErrorSupport, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.NumberVerifier
Creates a new instance with no bounds, and not empty values allowed.
NumberVerifier(ErrorSupport, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.NumberVerifier
Creates a new instance with no bounds.
NumberVerifier(ErrorSupport, String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.NumberVerifier
Creates a new instance.


openPopup() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Opens the file chooser dialog.
openPopup() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Opens a popup to ask the user for data.
openPorts(String, Connector[]) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.WindowsFirewallManager
Opens all ports defined in this model on the Windows firewall.


paintBox(String, Object[], int) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConsoleTools
Displays a bordered box in the console, with the specified title, contents and width.
paintForm(Object[]) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Displays the "view box".
PasswordField - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
A password entry field.
PasswordField(ResourceBundle, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.PasswordField
Creates a field of password type.
PasswordField - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing
Component that asks the passwords twice to avoid errors.
PasswordField(ResourceBundle, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PasswordField
PasswordVerifier - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools
Verifies that a password field has a proper length and no forbiden symbols.
PasswordVerifier(ErrorSupport, int, int) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PasswordVerifier
Creates an instance.
pattern - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.app.PatternFormatter
The pattern.
PatternFormatter - Class in com.gridsystems.config.app
Logging formatter with log4j-like style.
PatternFormatter() - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.app.PatternFormatter
Creates an instance with a default one line pattern.
PatternFormatter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.app.PatternFormatter
Creates an instance that will use the specified pattern.
PatternVerifier - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools
Performs a validation based on the pattern specified on construction.
PatternVerifier(ErrorSupport, String, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PatternVerifier
Creates a new instance with the specified pattern string and default flags.
PatternVerifier(ErrorSupport, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PatternVerifier
Creates an instance.
PatternVerifier(ErrorSupport, String, Pattern) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PatternVerifier
Creates a new instance with the specified pattern.
PopupTextField - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing
Abstract class for fields that get its contents from a popup component.
PopupTextField() - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Default constructor.
PortInUseException - Exception in com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat
Exception caused by a port already in use.
PortInUseException(Connector) - Constructor for exception com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.PortInUseException
Creates a new instance.
PortVerifier - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools
Verifies TCP/IP port numbers.
PortVerifier(ErrorSupport) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PortVerifier
Creates a new instance with an error message.
PortVerifier(ErrorSupport, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PortVerifier
Creates a new instance with an error message.
postCheckChanges() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PasswordField
Checks for changes in the value and, in that case, fires an event.
postCheckChanges() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Checks for changes in the value and, in that case, fires an event.
preCheckChanges() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PasswordField
Stores the value of the component value to check for future changes.
preCheckChanges() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Stores the value of the component value to check for future changes.
printTo(Properties, PrintWriter) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.Template
Writes the tamplate into the specified writer, replacing all found keys in the template text with the values in the props argument.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Manages a PropertyChangeEvent.


readLine(String, String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorField
Reads a line of text from the console.
readLine(String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConsoleTools
Reads a line of text from the console.
readLine() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConstantField
Reads a line of text from the console.
readLine() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.PasswordField
Reads a line from the console, and prevents casual viewers from reading it by masking the echoed characters.
readLine() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.SelectionField
Reads a line of text from the console.
readLine() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Reads a line of text from the console.
readPassword(String, char) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConsoleTools
Reads a line, masking the typed characters so they are not visible for casual observers.
ReflectedAction - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing
Action implementation that invokes a specified method of another class through reflection.
ReflectedAction(Object, String, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.ReflectedAction
Creates an action that will invoke the specified method name on the target object on ActionEvents.
ReflectionTools - Class in com.gridsystems.config.app
Utility class with stream related operations.
removeConnector() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorEditor
Removes the selected connector from the table.
removeConnector(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConsoleView
Removes a connector from the internal list.
removeField(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.GroupField
Removes the field at position pos from the list.
removeKeyMapping(ConsoleViewAction) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Removes the key mapping for the specified action.
removeKeyMapping(GroupField) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Removes all key mappings in the specified group field.
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNodeModel
reset() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.MessageField
Resets the message contents.


saveToFile(File, List) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Saves to a text file the list of connectors.
SelectionField - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
Asks the user to chose between a list of valid values.
SelectionField(ResourceBundle, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.SelectionField
Creates a new instance.
setAcceptCount(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Sets the acceptCount value.
setAddress(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Sets the address value.
setApplyDiscardMappings(Configurator) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Registers the default apply and discard actions linked to the specified configuration instance.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Sets the bufferSize value.
setBundle(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Sets the name of the bundle to be used by this instance.
setBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Sets the bundle to be used by this instance.
setButtonText(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Sets the text to display at the button.
setChangeCallback(Runnable) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorEditor
Sets a runnable that will be invoked whenever a change is made in data.
setClientAuth(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Sets the clientAuth value.
setClosing(boolean) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Sets if the configurator is being closed.
setCompression(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Sets the compression value.
setConfigurator(Configurator) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigPanel
Changes the configurator managed by this instance.
setConnectionLinger(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Sets the connectionLinger value.
setConnectionTimeout(long) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Sets the connectionTimeout value.
setConnectors(Connector[]) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorEditor
Sets the list of connectors.
setConnectors(Connector[]) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Sets the list of connectors.
setEmptyAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.IpVerifier
Sets the "Empty allowed" flag.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
setEnableLookups(boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Sets the enableLookups value.
setErrorListener(ErrorListener) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Sets the error listener of this configurator.
setErrorLoopbackId(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.IpVerifier
Sets the error shown if the validation fails due to the loopback address check.
setFieldEditable(boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Sets if the field can be modified by the user or not.
setFilter(FileFilter) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Sets a filter for the files to be displayed at the file system browser.
setGuarded(AbstractButton, JComponent[]) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Registers btn as a "enabled" guard for the components in "guarded".
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Sets the icon.
setIndex(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.ConnectorField
Sets the index of this instance.
setInputVerifier(InputVerifier) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PasswordField
Sets an input verifier that affects each of both password fields.
setIp(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Sets the IP address of the host.
setKeyMapping(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Sets the key-mapping to use for this field.
setKeystoreDir(File) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Sets the keystore directory.
setKeystorePassword(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Sets the keystore password.
setLoopbackAddressAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.IpVerifier
Sets the "Loopback Address allowed" flag.
setMaxProcessors(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Sets the maxProcessors value.
setMinProcessors(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Sets the minProcessors value.
setMode(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Sets the mode of selection of files.
setModel(ConfiguratorModel) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Sets the model of this configurator.
setModified(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Sets the "isModified" flag, and notifies all registered change listeners.
setName(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Sets the name value.
setPort(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Sets the port value.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Sets a system property.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigurator
Sets a system property value.
setProtocol(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
setRestartEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Enables or disables the restart control.
setRestartExitCode(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Sets the exit code that will instruct the daemon to restart the server.
setShutdownExitCode(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Sets the exit code that will instruct the daemon to not restart the server.
setShutdownPort(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Sets the port number for shutdown requests.
setShutdownPort(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Sets the port for shutdown requests.
setSmallIcon(Icon) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Sets the small icon.
setStringValue(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.SelectionField
Sets the field value from the specified string.
setStringValue(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Sets the field value from the specified string.
setTrimmed(boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Sets if the value should be trimmed on storing it.
setType(int) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Sets the type of menu to show.
setup(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConsoleTools
Sets the console configuration regarding to ANSI compliance and Alternate Character Set support.
setUserCreated(boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Sets the userCreated value.
setUsername(String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Sets the username.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Sets a field value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.BoolField
Sets the value of this field.
setValue(boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.BoolField
Sets the value of this field.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConstantField
Sets the value of this field.
setValue(Object) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.SelectionField
Sets the value of this field.
setValue(Object) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Sets the value of this field.
setValue(Object) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Sets the managed value of the object.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PasswordField
Sets the password managed by the component.
setValue(Object) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.PopupTextField
Sets the value managed by the component.
setValues(ConfiguratorModel) - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.ConfiguratorView
Copies this view field values into the destination model.
setValues(ConfiguratorModel) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConsoleView
Copies this view field values into the destination model.
setValues(ConfiguratorModel) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMSwingView
Transfers data from the GUI fields to the internal data structure.
setValues(ConfiguratorModel) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConsoleView
Copies this view field values into the destination model.
setValues(ConfiguratorModel) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatSwingView
Copies this view field values into the destination model.
setValues(ConfiguratorModel) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Copies this view field values into the destination model.
setVerifier(TextVerifier) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Sets the verifier for this field.
setViewMode(int) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Sets the global view mode.
showError(String[]) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Shows an error message in the bottom line of the view.
showError(String, Exception) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.SwingTools
Shows a "standard" error dialog box.
showExpansionMessage() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigPanel
Shows a message telling that the configurator tree is being expanded.
showInformation(String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.SwingTools
Shows a information message.
showTrace - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.app.PatternFormatter
if true, the stack trace is dumped.
showWarning(String, Exception) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.SwingTools
Shows a warning message.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigPanel
store() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.ConfiguratorModel
Stores the model in the persistence layer.
store() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Stores the model in the persistence layer.
store() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Stores the model in the persistence layer.
support - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.TextVerifier
The error message.
SWING - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.app.UI
Specifies the Swing UI.
SwingConfiguratorView - Interface in com.gridsystems.config
Specialized Swing version of ConfiguratorView interface.
SwingTools - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing
Helper methods for Swing UI construction.
SwingUI - Class in com.gridsystems.config.app
UI implementation for execution on window system environments.
SwingUI() - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.app.SwingUI


Template - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools
Simple template implementation.
Template(File) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.Template
Creates a template using the specified file as the source.
Template(File, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.Template
Creates a template using the specified file as the source.
Template(File, URL) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.Template
Create a template using the specified file and URL as the template source, and its default source respectively.
TextVerifier - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools
InputVerifier subclass that can be also used in non-Swing environments.
TextVerifier(ErrorSupport) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.TextVerifier
Creates an instance.
title - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.GroupField
Group title.
TomcatConfigModel - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat
Data model for the Tomcat configurator.
TomcatConfigModel() - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Default constructor.
TomcatConfigModel(TomcatConfigModel) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Creates a new instance.
TomcatConfigurator - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat
Tomcat Configurator implementation.
TomcatConsoleView - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat
Console View for the Tomcat configurator.
TomcatConsoleView(Configurator) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConsoleView
Creates a new instance of the view.
TomcatSwingView - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat
Swing View for the Tomcat configurator.
TomcatSwingView(Configurator) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatSwingView
Default constructor.
TOO_LONG_ERROR - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PasswordVerifier
Too long error key.
TOO_SHORT_ERROR - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PasswordVerifier
Too short error key.
toString() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNode
toString() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
toXML(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Gets an XML fragment for insertion into a Tomcat server.xml file.
toXML(List, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.Connector
Converts a list of connectors into an XML string.
treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigFrame
Not used.
treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigFrame
Hides the message explaining to the user that the tree is expanding.
treeWillCollapse(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigFrame
Not used.
treeWillExpand(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigFrame
Shows a message explaining to the user that the tree is expanding.
trimmed - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
If true text spaces will be trimmed.
TRUE - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.BoolField
String representation of true value.
TYPE_OPEN - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Opens the popup as an "Open" file menu (chose an existing file.
TYPE_SAVE - Static variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.FileChooserField
Opens the popup as a "Save" file menu (chose an existing file.


UI - Class in com.gridsystems.config.app
Root class and provider for user interface delegation.
UI() - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.app.UI
Default constructor.
updateError(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigPanel
Adds an error to the component error stack.
updateError(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.Configurator
Notifies the listener about an error.
updateError(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.ErrorListener
Performs an action on an error.
updateError(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Performs an action on an error.
updateError(String, boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.ErrorSupport
Notifies the configurator about an error event.
updateError(String, boolean) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.TextVerifier
Shows the error message if a validation error occurs.


validate() - Method in interface com.gridsystems.config.ConfiguratorModel
Validate data of this Model.
validate() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.jvm.JVMConfigModel
Validate data of this Model.
validate(List) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Validate data of this Model.
validate(Connector[]) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Validate data of this Model.
validate() - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat.TomcatConfigModel
Validate data of this Model.
value - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ConstantField
The value.
value - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.SelectionField
The value.
value - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
The value.
valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigFrame
ValueField - Class in com.gridsystems.config.tools.console
Text value edition field.
ValueField(ResourceBundle, String, String) - Constructor for class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Creates a new instance.
valueFormater - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
A cached instance of the value formatter.
valueFormatter - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.SelectionField
A cached instance of the value formatter.
valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.app.ConfigNodeModel
valuePattern - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.SelectionField
Pattern to use for value display and parsing.
valuePattern - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
Pattern to use for value display and parsing.
verifier - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.ValueField
The text verifier.
verify(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.FileVerifier
Validates a text string.
verify(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.IpVerifier
Validates a text string.
verify(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.NumberVerifier
Performs the validation of the specified text.
verify(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PasswordVerifier
Validates a text string.
verify(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.PatternVerifier
Validates a text string.
verify(JComponent) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.TextVerifier
verify(String) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.TextVerifier
Validates a text string.


watch(JTextField) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Registers itself as interested in changes in the specified text field.
watch(PopupTextField) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Registers itself as interested in changes in the specified text field.
watch(JComboBox) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.swing.BasePanel
Registers itself as interested in changes in the specified combo box.
width - Variable in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.console.AbstractConsoleView
Width of the console view.
WindowsFirewallManager - Class in com.gridsystems.config.modules.tomcat
Manages ports of firewall in Windows OS.
writeTo(Properties, File) - Method in class com.gridsystems.config.tools.Template
Writes the template to the specified file.


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